Spanish reflexive verbs are very important in Spanish. Why is this? Because the same verb can change its meaning when it is combined with a pronoun. Let’s make the same comparison with prepositions in English. The same verb can change its meaning when combined with different prepositions. So if you are a Spanish student, you…
Spanish verb conjugations are the most difficult challenge for Spanish students. In my experience, I have met many students who have come from other teachers and other schools who feel frustrated about this. Why is this? Am I the best teacher in the world? Of course not. The point is that language teachers need to…
Niveles A2 – B1. Practica pretérito de indefinido leyendo español, ¡es la mejor forma! Hemos escrito este cuento para ti. ¡Practica pretérito indefinido e imperfecto y continúa tú la historia! Sol siempre paseaba por las tardes. Nada la hacía más feliz que coger un librito de la estantería, meterlo en el bolso y caminar hasta…
Worksheets for practising Spanish basic conversation designed by Isbilia. Simple exercises to tell us who you are. Hello everyone! We have made two worksheets with activities to practise personal information in Spanish: What are you like, where are you from, and so on. With these worksheets, we can have a basic conversation in Spanish so…
Actividades para practicar los tiempos verbales de pretérito imperfecto y pretérito indefinido (también denominado pretérito perfecto simple). Aquí ofrecemos una propuesta para nuestros y nuestras estudiantes de español. ¡Esperamos que os guste! ¿Cuándo usamos pretérito imperfecto o indefinido? Aquí os dejamos una explicación visual sobre las principales diferencias entre el pretérito imperfecto y el indefinido.…